An Alternative Way of Education

We are a group of people working on multiple projects. Our goal is to combine our qualifications to identify serious unresolved educational issues.

We provide technologies for computer and mobile learning, developing systems for educational purposes.

We love interacting with our people. We always take in consideration feedback and try to improve all our process, from brainstorming to final result.


Socrates Virtual, also known as SocratesVI, was founded with aim to make education easier and fun for everyone. The goal is to enhance the education system of the world by providing new innovative ideas and models on learning. We are a group of people consisting of software engineers, occupational therapists, counseling psychologists and biologists. We try to combine our qualifications to mix education with technology.

SocratesVI project runs under ALTERA VITA Cooperative Enterprise of Cyclades​, which has multiple years of experience on educational programs and is currently active on multiple european projects. SocratesVI is a sub-team which specializes on education through technologies.


SocratesVI currently participates on DIGIT-ALL, Digital Skills for Adults, project through ALTERA VITA - Social Cooperative Enterprise of Cyclades


ALTERA VITA - Social Cooperative Enterprise of Cyclades currently participates on REFLECT project.

AlteraVita's European Programs

This group is supported by ALTERA VITA. ALTERA VITA is a Social Cooperative Enterprise of Collective and Social Benefirs (SCE) based in Syros and the action area of the Prefecture of Cyclades.

The Cooperative was founded with the aim of responding with professionalism and expertise to the needs of care and empowerment expressed by people and communities. The approach of ALTERA VITA is based on participation, active citizenship, reciprocity. The goal is the activation and the networking of the social and economic resources of the territories, promoting sustainable development and wellbeing of the communities.

In many projects, ALTERA VITA plays the role of activator of social resource and facilitator in the involvement of local civil networks. For the creation of welfare systems and services focused on the needs of the person, ALTERA VITA promotes co-projecting and networking of best practices.

ALTERA VITA is an active member of ENSA Network and European Youth Care Platform. ENSA is a network of cities and European Regions that has the aim of promoting international cooperation in the social field.